Facial Mesotherapy

Facial mesotherapy is a non-invasive procedure that corrects several problems such as facial aging, the elimination of fine lines and the skin regeneration.


The benefits are many and the result is immediately visible from the very first session. Depending on the vitamin cocktail (vitamins A, E, C and D) as well as the amino acids being used, the active ingredients penetrate directly into the application area and provide deep hydration, strengthen collagen synthesis, tighten the skin and reduce facial wrinkles.

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We recommend facial mesotherapy to individuals on the below cases:

  • oily skin
  • damaged skin
  • treatment of acne
  • skin with photoaging
  • smokers
  • and in cases such as skin scraping and chemical peeling
μεσοθεραπεία πρόσωπο


  • Treatment duration: 15-30 minutes
  • Pain level: no pain
  • The result is visible from the first session.
  • Technique: no blood
  • Anesthesia: none/local
  • Recovery: minimal, immediate return to your activities
  • Frequency: regular repetition every 5-6 months

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